Two teams from the Three Village Central School District placed in the First In Math Statewide Elementary Mathematics Tournament on June 1. The team from Nassakeag Elementary School made up of Talinn Kim, Catherine Hu and Caroline Zhang, came in first place for fourth grade. Meanwhile, Setauket Elementary School’s team of Landon Kim, Paul Syritsyn and Liam Ward, took third place for the first grade competition.
The First In Math contests focus on the 24 Game Series and tests several math skills.
At the statewide tournament, students used game cards in a group setting to demonstrate their understanding. Only 150 students from New York qualified to attend the statewide competition. The district congratulates its winners on their accomplishment.
Click here to view the Setauket Elementary School photo slideshow.
Click here to view the Nassakeag Elementary photo School slideshow.
Date Added: 6/5/2024