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Celebrating Earth Day

First graders at Minnesauke Elementary School planting in the garden thumbnail245286
First graders at Minnesauke Elementary School planting in the garden thumbnail245287
First graders at Minnesauke Elementary School planting in the garden thumbnail245288
First graders at Minnesauke Elementary School planting in the garden thumbnail245289
First graders at Minnesauke Elementary School planting in the garden thumbnail245290
First graders at Minnesauke Elementary School planting in the garden thumbnail245291

First graders at Minnesauke Elementary School showed their love for the planet ahead of Earth Day. With the assistance of some parent helpers, students planted a variety of flowers in the building’s courtyard. They learned about how planting flowers supports pollinating creatures such as birds and bees. The first graders were excited to get their hands dirty with this engaging activity.

Date Added: 4/21/2023