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Students Step Into Recording Studio

Music technology students grouped together and smiling thumbnail241631
Students using a recording device thumbnail241632
People setting up recording gear thumbnail241633
Two students at computers thumbnail241634
Students playing instruments thumbnail241635
Students playing instruments thumbnail241636
A student using recording software thumbnail241637
A student using recording software thumbnail241638
Ward Melville High School students are getting hands-on experience in the music production industry through a new course called music technology recording taught by Ed Kunkel. Students use state-of-the-art and industry-standard equipment to learn the art of editing and producing professional recordings.

Students collaborate with the music department to bring lesson groups into the recording studio, a room set up at Ward Melville High School. As their peers play music, the class is involved with the entire recording process – beginning with setting up microphones, to engineering the recording and editing tracks. Throughout the course, students learned how to run cables and the ins and outs of the recording software, Logic Pro.

The course has set students up for success after graduation by introducing a new potential career path. Additionally, the music department hopes to use the skills learned in this course as an instructional tool in the future. Director of Music Anthony Pollera suggested recording all different types of district music groups, so students can listen back and hear themselves perform.

Date Added: 2/7/2023